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Hello there!
I'm Ismi, the owner of this blog.

I started out blogging (on this blog) since 2013. I'm awful at thinking up of blog names, so I picked one that didn't even require a minute to think up of, that called Chocomous (Chocochip Moustachers).

Why Chocohip? Who doesn't like chocolate? I do! a lot.
Why Moustachers? There's a particular reason ofc that made me choose moustachers as a blog name, but I can't tell here bcs it takes a quite long description, I think. hehe.

This blog such as a streak of my life, what I see, hear and feel. It was great to pour the contents of thoughts, opinions and feelings in writing. It's particularly useful for myself, as a reflection and introspection.

Well ya, that's a few brief introductions from me, thank you for visiting. I hope some of what I've learned is helpful to you :)
